Lead in Drinking Water | Part of the Problem is Awareness

Lead in Drinking Water | Part of the Problem is Awareness

Despite measures taken by the EPA and many states, lead poisoning is still a serious concern. Lead can be found in old water taps as well as interior and exterior piping. As water sits in these pipes, the water can react with the piping and based on a combination of corrosion or physical dislodging of chemical coatings the lead and metal content of the water can increase. Drinking water high in lead can contribute to lead poisoning, but most sources of Lead in the blood are related to the exposure to lead in paint, dust, soil, and consumer products that contain Lead. Individuals at most risk to Lead include those living in older homes that have not been remodeled, individuals in mining or smelting towns and communities, young children, pregnant women, and the elderly. If your tap water has lead levels exceeding 15 ppb (0.015 ppb), you should take action immediately to minimize your exposure and if your our on a private well or private source if the level is above 5 ppb (0.005 mg/L) you should act.

The Safe Home® DIY lead in Drinking Water Test Kit is designed to test for lead in water. This test is compatible with municipal water and private water systems. If you live in a home with older pipes or frequently drink from a water fountain where lead piping could be used, you should check the Lead levels. This fast acting lead in Drinking Water Test Kit includes all the instructions and supplies you need to quickly test your drinking water for the presence of lead. In only 10 minutes, the lead in Drinking Water Test will let you know if there are harmful elements in your water. It also includes a free pesticide test strip so you can make sure there are no pesticide contaminants in your water.

This simple test kit can easily be used in your home, classroom, office and anywhere else where you would need to test water quality. Quickly and accurately test well water, city/municipal water, tap water, residential drinking water, groundwater, and spring water sources. The results are fast and easy to read by following along with the included color chart and instruction manual.

Get Informed

The Poisoned City: Flint's Water and the American Urban Tragedy

Get Tested

Safe Home® DIY Lead in Drinking Water Test Kit
National Testing Laboratory Corrosion Check Drinking Water Test Kit
